Thursday, January 28, 2010

Anthrax letters sent by neo-cons

Edward Jay Epstein wrote in the Wall Street Journal (1/21/10) that Bruce Ivins provided samples of the suspect anthrax strain to the Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio. See:

According to Gary Matsumoto’s article in Science magazine, November 28, 2003, titled “Anthrax Powder: State of the Art?” “Battelle . . . makes one of the world’s most advanced medicinal powders. Battelle’s pharmaceutical division, BattellePharma, also in Columbus, is one of the few companies anywhere developing electrostatically charged aerosols for inhalation. BattellePharma’s Web site boasts that the company’s new “electrohydrodynamic” aerosol “reliably delivers more than 80% of the drug to the lungs in a soft (isokinetic) cloud of uniformly sized particles.” Other powders, boasts the Web site, only achieve 20% or less.”

The New York Times reported (12/13/2001) that the CIA had been conducting secret experiments with powdered germs since 1997 at Battelle Memorial Institute in Ohio.

The FBI reportedly interviewed Battelle employees, finding no suspects, but not all leads

were followed, A Carlyle Group Subsidiary, EG&G, had access to Battelle and Fort

Detrick anthrax by way of a service contract with Battelle. The Carlyle Group, a military

contractor, included H.W.Bush and the Bin Laden family among its owners until

recently. Carlyle/EG&G was the connection between Battelle/Detrick and the Bush

family at the time of the anthrax attacks. Source:

The motive for such an inside job was to terrorize Congress into passing the Patriot Act, which was being held up at that time, as described at:

FBI chief Robert Meuller, has protected the Bush family in other investigations, described at:

The establishment media will no doubt also be reluctant to push this case to its logical conclusion. Edward Jay Epstein has gone just about as far as he is allowed. It is up to the rest of us to make sure this conspiracy is not lost to history, not to speak of obtaining justice for this hideous crime.

Richard J. Ochs

Baltimore MD
